- 1 Factors to Consider When Selecting the Placement of a Humidifier
- 2 How do you know when you require an humidifier (and the best way to test)
- 3 Where to Place a Humidifier in a Bedroom?
- 4 Do you need to place the humidifier on a table or on the floor?
- 5 Where Should You Put a Humidifier in Your Baby’s Room?
- 6 Best Place To Put Humidifier In a Living Room
- 7 Best Place to Put a Humidifier in the Office
- 8 Placement in the Bathroom
- 9 Where Not to Put a Humidifier?
- 10 Final Thoughts
“Bring outdoor life into the home.”
Steven Magee
Choosing best place to put humidifier it’s not because of Feng Shui. Properly positioning the humidifier within your home could be a significant factor in the way that the humidifier is used.
In reality, if are aware of the right place the best place to put a humidifier, you could boost its effectiveness up to 15 percent. In addition, placing an unsuitable humidifier improperly in a space could cause its efficiency to be reduced by up to 30 percent. Additionally it is possible to create an environment that is a perfect breeding ground that is a perfect home for the growth of mold.
The biggest error when putting in the humidifier is to put it in an area that is not in the corner or on the floor or next to the wall. In these instances there will be specific higher humidity levels (let’s say 80percent near the humidifier) but the surrounding area will feel damp (let’s suppose 30 percent relative humidity). The placement errors result in uneven levels of humidity ( soggy near the humidifier, dry air everywhere elsewhere).
Factors to Consider When Selecting the Placement of a Humidifier
Because humidifiers are available in a variety of models of different sizes and shapes You must consider some factors in order to determine the ideal position for your humidifier. Some of these crucial aspects are explained in detail in the next section.
- Type of humidifier: It plays a important role in the positioning and placement of the humidifier. Warm-mist humidifiers make use of boiling water to create mist and must be kept at a safe distance from your bedroom, children and your living space. Cool-mist humidifiers are usually safer to keep close to.
- Dimensions and Weight of the humidifier: If you own an extremely heavy or large humidifier that weighs a lot, it’s not suitable to keep it in a central spot or placed on tables. You might want to consider placing it in the area that is in the corner for the best outcomes. On the other hand smaller and mid-sized humidifiers are able to be carried around and be placed on the top of a dresser shelves, or cabinet.
- Sound Level To avoid affecting the ambience of your home by using the sound of humidifiers you should to choose one with low-noise operation. But, if the humidifier is loud you could always put it in a different location so that it doesn’t cause distracting. Place the humidifier in the space in the corner to ensure it doesn’t interfere with your sleep and daily routine.
- Dimensions of the Room: Room size is an important factor to think about when trying to find the perfect spot to house the humidifier. If you live in large to medium-sized rooms then you must place your humidifier in a central area to distribute the discharge of moisture equally. In smaller rooms it is possible to place the humidifier in a table close to you or in the area where you tend to spend your time.
- Low Humidity: It is best to place your humidifier in an location with the lowest humidity. To achieve this you can utilize an hygrometer for determining the moisture level in various areas of your home. But, remember not to place your humidifier far from heaters, air vents wooden furniture, and even plants.
- The height above the floor It is advised that you keep the humidifier at 2 feet above the floor for the most effective outcome. If you have an evaporative or ultrasonic models, place your humidifier on the table or on a stand, and make sure to keep a tray or towel to collect the mist. However, bigger models with that exceed two feet tall are safe to put when placed on the floor.
How do you know when you require an humidifier (and the best way to test)
One of the most frequently asked queries I get is ” What humidity level is best?”as as “How can I tell the humidity level in my home or room?”
Great questions!
Humidity is measured in percentage on an 0-100 percent, and relative to the temperature of the air. This is why you’ll frequently be hearing: “relative humidity.”
In general, the human body feels the best when there is relative humidity above 30% and 60% , and less than.
But, the ideal humidity range for your home is between 40 and 60 percent. It’s not about having it in perfect harmony at a fixed amount – that’s not feasible or even necessary.
The ideal humidity is the one that you feel comfortable at and helps to resolve healthful and dry air symptoms for you as well as your child or your family and home. A good guideline is to aim for around 50 percent..
If the level starts at 30% and below, it’s the time to turn on your humidifier.
Extreme dry air conditions begin to appear at around 30% or less. In dry climates, and in winter, the levels can fall to less than 20 percent!
Although you may not be aware that allergies aren’t as bothersome when the warm air is kept at an acceptable moisture level as I mentioned in the previous paragraph. It’s due to the fact that dry air allows allergens to develop into a bigger problem and also move around more easily.
You can also read the detailed article How the humidifier works: answers to questions.
How to determine humidity levels
The process of determining humidity is easy if you have the right equipment. Today, you can test both temperature as well as the relative humidity at a glance using a simple meter such as There are no products available.
However, guessing is an badway to to determine the state of the air surrounding you. And to make matters even more difficult the body is subject to a fluctuation in the way they perceive temperature as well as other environmental conditions.
While there are older methods like machines, today, it’s recommended to utilize the digital humidity gauge to measure.
Because humidity is closely linked to temperature, it’s best to be able to observe both whenever you’re required to. This is another reason why these new (and cost-effective – the majority are less than 15 dollars) equipments are amazing to keep around.
I have several at home and at work. It is possible to observe the connection between the rising and falling of humidity and temperature at any point of the day or at night.
It is necessary to switch on the humidifier when the gauge is lower than 40. In the event that humidity level it’s over 60 percent, you shouldn’t use the humidifier since any excess moisture within the air could create mold and other issues in flooring and furniture.
Where to Place a Humidifier in a Bedroom?
Before we proceed and install for your humidifier, we suggest that you install an humidity meter. This device will inform you the amount of humidity is in the bedroom air.
It’s likely that there’s more humidity in certain regions. If this is the case, place your humidifier in the area with the lowest quantity of moisture. It’s not a must however it can help you locate the ideal location.
The exact location of the house humidifier is located will depend on how many sleepers are in the space and the dimensions of the unit. If you have more than one person sharing the space, then you must utilize the large humidifier. For models that are large ideal locations are in a corner that is 3 or more feet of the mattress.
Are you sitting down? This is where things could become confused. The location of your humidifier is also dependent on the type of humidifier. Here are some examples:
Warm-Mist Humidifier Placement
Warm-mist humidifiers are a great option when you suffer from the flu, suffer from allergies or experience congestion. However, it is important to be aware.
The type you have should not be in close proximity to your bed during sleep. Put it in the corner or at a minimum, just a few feet from your bed. At night you could place it in the nightstand to help moisten the air prior to bedtime.
Take Caution
Warm-mist humidifiers could cause burns if placed in close proximity to you (2). Make sure they are kept away from your children, you as well as your pet. They use boiling water to create mist and should be placed set on a sturdy platform prior to you go to bed.
Cool-Mist Humidifiers in the Bedroom
Cool-mist humidifiers operate a bit differently, which is why they’re more secure than warm-mist. Due to this, they can be placed in your bedroom whenever you’re sick or an allergic flare-up. In normal days, put it at least three feet from your bed when you’re asleep.
Another thing to bear in your mind is to create a gap between the walls and your device. Certain models require a particular quantity of circulation to work properly. However, if you place it on the wall flat and allowing it to sit there, you’re limiting this.
Do you need to place the humidifier on a table or on the floor?
Choosing whether to place the humidifier on the shelf, table or even on the floor will depend on several aspects:
- Does the humidifier intended to be put upon the floor? Some large humidifiers are specifically designed to be placed directly on floors. In the event that the humidifier is large or has wheels It’s a clear indication that it was made to be put right on the ground. The best guideline is when the humidifier is greater than 2 feet tall, it should put it on the ground.
- Does it mean an ultrasonic evaporative humidifier? Ultrasonic and evaporative humidifiers work differently from one another. The general rule is that ultrasonic humidifiers should be placed at an elevation that allows them to function effectively. When you have an ultrasonic humidifier is placed too far from the ground, it is possible that mist droplets may accumulate on the floor. Evaporative humidifiers don’t have this problem. They do, however, warm mist (steam) evaporative humidifiers generate heat – therefore, they can pose an hazard to safety when a child is in the vicinity.
Where Should You Put a Humidifier in Your Baby’s Room?
As we have mentioned Warm mist models pose an extremely high risk of burns is there. This is why it’s not the ideal option as a baby’s room. However, if you have this kind of humidifier it is important to make sure that your baby isn’t able to get it. Keep your warm mist humidifier away from the bed of your child.
The good news is that the same rules are applicable to your child’s bedroom as well. One of the most effective types to choose from is, in fact is one that resembles an infant’s cool mist model that’s highly customizable.
There are a few things I’d like to add:
- Make sure to make sure to keep the humidifier away from direct sunlight to avoid mold and bacterial growth.
- If the humidifier is running for a long time, you should keep the door partially open in order to prevent excess humidity.
- Since babies are particularly susceptible to congestion and colds and congestion, the use of a warm mist model is often perfect for babies who are sick.
- Also, I suggest purchasing a tranquil one that will let your child sleep soundly.
Best Place To Put Humidifier In a Living Room
It is logical it’s a good idea to place a humidifier in a living room because it’s the most expansive area, and it’s where everyone will benefit from it. It is recommended to place the humidifier where you are most in need of it and make sure that it’s the right size for the space. Take note that any wooden surface can be destroyed. I’ve had problems like this, and I bought the plastic table and covered it with a linen. It was not noticed by anyone that it was the material is plastic.
Another option is to locate an item of furniture, such as a small tables that fold up and use it as the purpose of a humidifier. When you aren’t using an humidifier keep them in a storage place. You can also store the table in a snap. If you do use the humidifier daily, my advice is to use a towels or plastic tray underneath because water can spill.
Where not to please a humidifier in a living room?
Beware of placing your cool mist humidifier close to the vent or register. If you have heating within the living room and the humidifier is situated around it and the reading of relative humidity can be skewed. The air that comes through the register or vent is usually very low in humidity. The built-in hygrometers on most humidifiers will read that extremely low moisture and run much greater than when placed centrally in the living room.
Best Place to Put a Humidifier in the Office
The air inside your workplace can become quite dry in certain instances particularly if you’re working from 8 to 9 hours in an open area or in a cubicle. In these situations it is possible to invest in a portable humidifier, desktop-friendly humidifier to meet your requirements.
It can be kept in front of your desk for the maximum advantages. Be sure that you place it far from your PC as well as wires. You can also keep an tray underneath to protect your desk from the dust.
Placement in the Bathroom
The need for a humidifier inside the bathroom may not be necessary. The concept behind these devices is to bring back moisture in a space which is dry air. In bathrooms but the air generally has plenty of moisture because of the water-rich atmosphere. In the bathroom, you are more likely to need a dehumidifier.
If you have a big bathroom or suffer from an illness the use of an humidifier can aid in improving the quality of the air. Similar rules to those above apply. Utilize a hygrometer for checking the humidity and then place the device accordingly.
Be sure to turn off the humidifier off after baths or showers. It isn’t a good idea to produce too much vapor, which can cause mold or mildew to grow. Be sure to clean the bathroom immediately after in order to prevent the development of harmful mold
Where Not to Put a Humidifier?
After we’ve provided all the perfect locations in which to place a humidifier let us examine some of the locations you must stay clear of:
- Be sure to keep the humidifier away from direct sunlight since it could trigger fast bacterial growth and exacerbate your respiratory ailments.
- Make sure to not place the humidifier directly on the carpet or wooden furniture to prevent mold due to the discharge of humid air. In addition placing it directly on the floor can result in water puddles that are slippery.
- Put your humidifier away from electronic equipment like laptops, phones televisions, vacuum cleaners as well as ovens. Its humid air from the device could cause rust on your devices and could even cause fires.
- Also, ensure that you make sure to keep also your humidifier far from sockets for electrical appliances, too. Apart from the possibility of rust and short circuits, it is possible to get short circuits due to the moisture within the sockets.
- Be careful not to place your humidifier too far away from your face. It should be easily accessible for emergency repairs and routine maintenance.
- Avoid operating your humidifier for extended periods of time or in a humid space. Similar to dry air, too much moisture can have negative effects on your health as well.
Final Thoughts
When you are deciding where to set up your humidifier be aware that the correct positioning is essential for a pleasant space. In any circumstance it is essential to keep the humidifier at a height and away from any obstructions is a good idea.
Be aware that all humidifiers have the potential of leaks, so make certain that your humidifier is not placed near any object that could damage by the water. Placing your humidifier on an unfinished tray to stop any leaks is an effective option.
After and before you start your humidifier make use of an hygrometer to gauge how much humidity levels inside your room. Make use of the measurements of humidity to make an informed choice regarding any adjustments you may require.
My name is Ami Moore. I am a teacher by education, but I do not work in this field.
I feel an urgent need to share the best practices and my conclusions about air cleaners with my readers. After all, I understand that choosing the right air purifier takes time. Finding and selecting the right air purifier can quickly get complicated with so many brands, technologies, and styles.
I strive to educate my readers to help them make informed decisions to focus on what matters most: health and wellness.
I ran into many questions on this topic when I had to improve the air in my house and tried to study them as best I could. And it is these thoughts that I share with my readers.